How to Self-Care Your Skin in Self-Quarantine?

The day to day functionalities of our lives have drastically changed due to the lockdown scenario caused by the Coronavirus outbreak. Now with all the time in the world, a quote from “Sex and the City” aptly strikes my mind, “Before I was married, I used to study my pores in a magnifying mirror for an hour each night.” This is quite a general behavior, we practice when we are alone have the clock completely to our discretion. After weeks of social distancing and spending most of our day inside the house, like many others, we tend to notice every pore, every line and every spot on our face. And at this point, I am pretty sure many of us are wondering that why is my skin not glowing?
Like we are staying home! we’re not coming into contact with any pollutants and sunrays — We are not even wearing any makeup! So why is our skin freaking out this way?
Practicing social distancing, though it is in the best interest of public health, might lead to unintended skin damage, if not cared properly. While at one end it is a challenging situation, including adjusting to a different lifestyle, on the other end it is a comforting time to shower yourselves with complete self-care and self-love.
Bored Of Being Home Quarantined? Follow These Practices To Self-Care Your Skin!
Ardent Moisturization!
The biggest way you can make your skin feel happy is by moisturizing! when we are continuously washing our hands to the 10th degree to protect ourselves. Your derma is going through a phase of dryness due to this artificiality of air around us because some regions are cold at this time and may have the heat on. And to combat, this drying situation going all across your body, opt for some replenishing products such as lotions, moisturizing sheets masks, body butters, and skin renewal moisturizers such as CO2LIFT Carboxy Mousse Moisturizer, that hydrates your skin deep within making it smooth, supple and glow naturally. You can also use some at-home remedies including coconut oil, olive oil or even honey. Or you can also opt for products with hyaluronic acid that helps in retaining the skin moisture which makes your skin appear smoother and healthier.
Application Of SPF!
As we are quarantined, we may skip the most important step of applying sunscreen as we are not going anywhere outside. But the bitter truth is that though we not having direct contact with sun rays, they do impact us indoors also. Which means we can’t escape the impact of harsh UV rays while sitting at home. On top of this majority of us are working from home or binge-watching series on our laptops or mobiles exposing ourselves to Blue Light emissions for quite a long period of time, which too impacts and damages your skin causing premature aging, dark spots, wrinkles, and whatnot. So to counter all these situations, it’s quite necessary that we use a great sunblock and skincare to slow down the aging process and have a healthy glowing skin.
Don’t Touch Your Face, Wash, And Wash Again!
One of the easiest ways to spread coronavirus is touching your face with unwashed hands. But this is not the only reason that you should keep your hands off your face. These environmental conditions along with your hands touching it, again and again, leads to breakouts, acne and inflammation. So its best advised to wash and not pick your face. You can also exfoliate it two or three times a week for zero accumulation of oil, debris, bacteria, and dead skin build-up which can also lead to breakouts. But folks do remember to hydrate yourself, drink plenty of water, use moisturizing products and serums that work on replenishing your skin rather than draining that natural glow off.
Commit To A Specific Skin-care Regimen!
This self-quarantine is a perfect time to devise a proper skincare time according to your skin type. Use this time to get comfortable with products and their components and assess which works the best for you. This is a perfect period of trying ingredients that may require your skin to go through an adjustment period, for example, Retinol. Retinol may cause, flakiness, breakouts, and redness for a few weeks, but gets better with few days. So, get through this quarantine with effective skincare and reap spectacular benefits once life takes a normal turn!
Watch The Over Use Of Exfoliators!
Continuously washing our hands has led to dry, chapped hands but let’s not do the same with our face. Yes you are spending a lot of time at home and you are investing in great skincare but this does not mean that you’ll over-exfoliate your skin to remove debris and dead skin. Because excessive use of exfoliators can cause micro-tears on your skin. So it’s better to go with your normal skincare routine or if you want to try out new components but not over exfoliation!
In totality, you have a good span of time to take care of your skin, your vagina, and most importantly Yourself! Utilize this time in being productive for yourself and your family. Do whatever makes you happy, spend time with your loved ones at home, pamper yourself, be creative and do take care of yourself, do love yourself while maintaining Social Distancing. If you are going through tough times self heal yourself. You have all the right reasons and time to be with yourself now, do what pleases your mind! Just stop staring! stop picking! and stop freaking! Make this quarantine all worthwhile by doing good for everyone (stay at home) and using products that eliminate your skin woes!