Sex in the City… with the CO2LiftV

One of my favorite things to do when traveling for my solo business trips is have dinner at restaurant or hotel bars. I meet a lot of interesting people who often share their stories with me in passing. My latest trip was no exception to this rule.
On this particular trip, I met a lovely, young woman in her 30’s, I believe. We struck up a conversation. I told her I was in New York for a couple of days. And as it would it turned out, she was visiting the Big Apple as well. Our chat touched on a wide range of subjects then naturally flowed into one of my favorite topics…vaginas or the va-jay jay. These vagina dialogues are usually happening by way of a simple question: “What do you do?” My answer is somewhat mysterious but not too far–fetched. I simply say,“I am in the relationship business.” Most people are intrigued by my answer. I can see them trying to figure out if I am a relationship coach or guru. My present company seemed to be on the edge of her seat. So, I explained how I helped to improve relationships by aiding in the quality of intimacy. Yes, this always piques curiosity. The next question is always, “How do you do that?” I gave her the spill about myself and how I’d developed the CO2LiftV Gel Therapy.
I explained how the CO2Lift Carboxy gel, a medical grade cosmetic treatment, utilizes carbon dioxide to rejuvenate the skin for a younger, suppler look, as well as restores elasticity. The benefits of carbon dioxide have been seen and used for over 85 years to regenerate the skin. Carbon Dioxide is a natural vasodilator, which relaxes the muscles, therefore aiding in the dilation of the blood vessels allowing for better blood flow. In the past, these treatments were injections administered by needle. Through innovation, my company had the first of its kind, a non-invasive application of carboxytherapy, our CO2Lift Gel Carboxy mask. The CO2Lift Gel Carboxy mask is an extreme hydrating treatment delivering the carbon dioxide directly through the skin. The process is simple due to being topical as well as effective without any pain. Then from there, my company, Lumisque Skincare, used this new technology to help women with their most intimate issues, the CO2LiftV was born. The CO2LiftV has changed my life in ways I never imagined.
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A Conversation with a Young Woman
I shared my own personal experience using CO2LiftV. I am 48-years old and now thanks to CO2LiftV I have the vagina of a 21 year old! This product has been life changing in so many ways. Essentially, I discussed how it could help so many women with different issues in that area. Remarkably, my transparency when it comes to my own experiences encourages people to open up regarding their own issues. The young woman talked about a disorder she has been dealing with for over a decade. She told me about a rare condition was known as lichen sclerosus. Lichen sclerosus is an uncommon condition that creates patchy, white skin that appears thinner than normal. It usually affects the genital and anal areas.
Anyone can get lichen sclerosus, however girls who haven’t started menstruating and postmenopausal women are at higher risk. Lichen sclerosus is believed to be related to genetics or caused by immune disorders, trauma, or infection. The ailment can cause discomfort, itching, and easy bruising or tearing of the skin due to scratching. Treatment for the discomfort from the condition entails topical corticosteroid ointments or creams used to reduce itching and complications. Needless to say, the treatment hasn’t been proven to be effective.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; this beautiful young woman told me she had been suffering from this alarming condition. As a result, she hasn’t responded to any advances forward into a relationship with anybody. She couldn’t imagine being physically intimate. The woman continued to share with me how one time she entered into a long distance relationship, fell in love with an amazing guy without spending any time with him in person and inevitably she ended it when her suitor decided to fly from England to see her. She cancelled because she just knew in her heart; her disease would be a deal breaker. In her mind, there was no way for her to keep her end of the bargain.
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Introducing CO2LiftV: Revolutionizing Intimacy
My heart felt went out to her. I knew I could help her… I realized why this young lady and myself had crossed paths. I felt grateful to have the solution to help her with her pain and embarrassment. I shared with her a YouTube post from one of Lumisque Skincare providers who was using the CO2LiftV with one of his clients. She put on my air buds to listen to it as it was so noisy in the restaurant. The woman in the video, Javida, gave her testimony on the results she had using the CO2LiftV.
The woman described having itching and burning in her vagina on a nightly basis so bad the skin would be red and broken. She illustrated the symptoms she experienced from lichen sclerosus: itching, burning sensation during urination and broken skin in her genitalia from scratching so frequently. She continued to watch the video. Jovita said the results after using CO2LiftV made her feel like a new person. She was scratching less if not at all.
The skin was healing. The burning sensation when she urinated had disappeared. Jovita felt like CO2LiftV had changed her life as well. She even smiled a little and seemed excited to share her testimonial. It appeared Jovita had been alleviated of over a decade of suffering. I looked over at my new friend. I could see tears streaming down her face.
Through her tears, my new friend said she felt our meeting was an answer to her prayers. She could not believe something so simple and she could use at home could help her. And, she’s met a random person at a hotel bar who could save her from her secret misery. I had to admit us meeting like this was an amazing. I had never in a million years thought our encounter would have led to being her answer.
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The Science Behind CO2LiftV Gel Therapy
Super excited I immediately, I detailed how the product could work for her. I explained that the active ingredient in CO2LiftV is carbon dioxide. As a result, CO2LiftV exploits the effects of carbon dioxide to invigorate the skin, restoring elasticity and moisture. Carbon dioxide has proven to be beneficial in cosmetic dermatology through showing improvements in the skin’s appearance by increasing oxygen delivery thereby aiding cellular metabolism and the regeneration of collagen (neocollagenesis). The benefits of carbon dioxide have been seen and used for more than 85 years to restore the skin to its natural appearance. Carbon Dioxide is a natural vasodilator, which relaxes the muscles, consequently aiding in the dilation of the blood vessels allowing for better blood flow.
How CO2LiftV Can Help
In the past, these treatments were injections administered by needle, but the CO2LiftV makes administering the product topical and simple to use in the privacy of the client’s home. It promotes angiogenesis or development of new blood vessels as well as increases microcirculation. To reiterate, carbon dioxide is used to revive tissue so I could see the implications of this product working well for her. I explained to her how to administer the CO2LiftV so that she could reap the benefits. I explained she would mix the packet for the medical grade cosmetic treatment then insert it into the vagina with the applicator. I told her she would also need to smear the gel around the vulva or the outside of the vagina.
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While she is waiting with the product administered, she could relax a little because all of her issues will be relieve in a matter of minutes. After 45 minutes, she will douche with water using same applicator syringe then wash away any residue with water. I told her she would need to repeat every night for at least 10 more nights after the first dose. Following those 10 nights, she would continue with maintenance, administering the treatment once a month or as directed. My friend beamed with excitement and couldn’t wait to order and try the CO2LiftV. I was super enthusiastic about this being the solution to her long-standing pain and anguish.
Excited to hear her results, I gave her my cell basically begged her to let me know how things work out after her initial round. Imagine my exhilaration when she called me with the most incredible news. The conversation that would ensue detailed her newfound relationship goals and possibilities. I imagined seeing the smile on face along with the new glow in her eyes. A glow of hope! Well my beautiful friends, it is moments like these that further illustrate how much I love my job. With that said, another woman’s love life has been improved though my innovation. And consequently, there is better and more sex in the city!